If you are a self-taught artist or a recent art graduate, you may want to build a career out of your art. 7 Things To Know To Be Represented By A Gallery
The best way to gain exposure and meet the right audience for your art is by getting represented by a gallery. An art representation at a gallery brings attention to a collection of an artist’s work and makes them recognizable in related circles.
However, getting represented by a gallery is by no means easy. Many quickly give up after they fail to get artist representation.
So, how to get your art in a gallery?
Don’t lose hope; you can still get the representation your art deserves if you follow the right steps. Here are some things you should consider.
⦁ How to Choose the Gallery?
The first step is to choose the right gallery for your art representation, one that will adequately represent your art. Galleries looking for new artists are usually on the lookout for art styles similar to those of their existing artists that can complement it somehow. They want an artist who can use their space well and deliver their unique message.
So, be sure to do your research and try to connect with the gallery while choosing galleries. Ask the gallery owners to review your work honestly, listen more to what they have to say, and try to showcase why you would make a good fit.

⦁ Show Your Portfolio, Personal or Online
Before reaching out to galleries, you should have a professional art portfolio ready. This should contain some of your best work and the most recent work you have done. You should use the portfolio to depict your unique art style.
⦁ How to Write Your Artist Statement?
The artist statement is a brief account that gives the viewer a basic overview of your artwork or project. Your artist statement may be used to describe your body of work. Many say you must have an excellent artist statement ready if you want to know how to approach a gallery.
To write an artist statement, introduce who you are, why you do what you do, what themes your art explores, what inspires you, what are your goals and aspirations, and what direction your art is taking, or add some input about your creative process.
⦁ Is Being Represented The Right Way To Go?
Social media and internet usage have made it easier for artists to share their work online with a large pool of art lovers or collectors to whom they can sell directly. On the other hand, galleries have long-term relationships with collectors, some of which you may not reach otherwise. Galleries also help in invoicing, shipping, and selling your work, along with the many associated tasks making your work easier.
In short, you have to weigh the pros and cons to see if being represented is the right choice for you.
⦁ Is This Lucrative for You?
To partner with an art gallery, you would have to pay them a commission from the sale, the amount of which is set during the agreement. This commission is paid to the gallery for the work taken to bring clients to you. Some galleries may even demand as much as 50% to 60% of your sale.
In this case, always discuss with your gallery what public relations and marketing efforts they will contribute. Will they be able to bring in more clients? How is the commission they demand justified for their efforts?

⦁ Form an Artist Cooperative
An artist cooperative is a type of association or organization made by a collection of artists to help market their products/artwork. Many artists prefer to form an artist cooperative rather than join an art gallery. This is because, in an artist cooperative, you have much more control over the various details, advertising, sales, and other decisions around your work.
⦁ Create a Professional Website
As we mentioned, the internet and social media are a large part of modern art sales. Even if you join an art gallery, you should have a professional website made where you can present high-quality photographs of your artwork for your audience to view. This increased exposure will allow you to connect with patrons from all around the world.
There you go; now you know the essential things to be represented by a gallery and how to get gallery representation.